July 17, 1998 — Source: Naperville Sun, The (IL) — Author: Tim West
The Lima Lima Squadron comes in over the Burlington Zephyr, at the Naperville train station.
Nearby is the Feldott & Flemming auto dealer building.
To the right is the Pre-Emption House and the Cromer Motor Company.
A parallel universe at the corner of Washington and Chicago in downtown Naperville?
Not really.
It's the latest addition to Century Walk, a mural depicting transportation in Naperville.
What difference does it make that it took artists Mariah de Forest and Hector Duarte a year to complete their work of art?
What difference does it make that during the course of creation the Lima Lima Squadron has been depicted in three different positions and the Zephyr in four?
This mural is, in my opinion, the most impressive and meaningful of the Century Walk exhibits to date.
It says Naperville, big and loud and clear.
And it says it on the side of The Lantern, a Naperville landmark and finest kind of watering hole.
Wednesday night, the Lantern's Don Feldott, his wife, Pat, and son, Dave, hosted a reception for the artists, others connected with the Century Walk and local dignitaries in honor of the fact that after a year, the project is over.
Why did it take so long?
Well, the aforementioned changes and others were the primary reason, according to attorney Brand Bobosky, whose idea and persistence resulted in the Century Walk.
And, when you look at it, you're glad that the artists took the time to get it right.
This is a depiction of Naperville through the years.
The Clyde C. Netzley Garage is there.
So is Burgess Motors and Lee Nelson's Service Station.
Many other buildings are depicted as well.
In a more modern vein, a Sound Inc. van maneuvers down a street.
In a tip of the artist's brush to Bobosky, there is a car with a "We Bads" license plate.
This is in honor of Bobosky's We Bad Company social group, if indeed social group is the proper term for a fun-loving crew in which every member is a vice-president.
At the reception, Bobosky thanked the artists, the hosts and the City Council for providing funding for the latest addition to what is fast becoming one of Naperville's key attractions.
He said that, for the Feldotts, Don was glad to finally have the mural done and that Pat was the one who picked the design that finally was chosen.
De Forest commented that "we painted on this mural so long that the bar has changed hands from one generation to another."
For it was during the course of the mural's painting that Don and Pat turned the Lantern over to their son, Dave.
Talking to Don Feldott, though, I don't think you'll see him disappearing from the Lantern anytime soon.
He has a vacation home outside the area, but his roots are firmly grounded in Naperville.
Duarte challenged people to look at the mural more than once, saying that "every day you can see a different aspect in the mural." That's for sure. I've revealed only a few of the images on the mural.
Find the rest for yourself.
This new piece of artwork is a natural for Naperville.
A classic mural on the side of a classic tavern.
Tim West is the commentary editor for Sun Publications.
To comment on a column or if you have an idea for a column, call him at (630) 416-5290 or write him in care of The Sun, 9 W. Jackson Ave., Naperville, IL 60540. His e-mail address is tjwest(at)